About Our Program

The h.e.a.r.t.s Lifestyle Program is about making healthy changes.

Admit it… what you are doing now just isn’t working for you. If you were already living in that healthy body you desire you probably wouldn’t be visiting this website.  The biggest obstacle for anyone in achieving that goal is figuring out how to get from where you are now to where you want to be.  That’s where this program comes in – and it works.

The h.e.a.r.t.s. Lifestyle approach to making healthy changes is a 3-fold process.  There are 3 integral components of making a change in order for it to happen.  I call them the “What’s”, “Why’s” and “How-To’s”.

The “What’s”.  Before we can make a change, we need to know what exactly needs to be changed.

The “Why’s”.  Once we know what needs to be changed, we need to understand why we need to make that change in order for it to make sense to us and accept making the change.

The “How-To’s.  The final part is probably where we need the most help. We learn what we need to change and understand why we need to make those changes, but we just don’t know how to do it or where to even start. 

The h.e.a.r.t.s.  Lifestyle Program will teach you all 3 so that you begin to live a healthier life, in a healthier body, every day.  The more changes you make in your lifestyle and the more healthy behaviors you practice, the healthier your body becomes.

Whether you choose to attend live classes, watch posted webinars, prefer one-on-one consults, or engage in all three, the h.e.a.r.t.s. Lifestyle Program offers the personal and professional support you are looking for to help you reach your health goals.

The h.e.a.r.t.s. Lifestyle Program is based on the fundamentals of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle and focuses on the following:

h. Healthy Body Inside and Out: The human body is an incredible machine that needs the same gentle and attentive care from the moment it enters this world until its last breath. It is vital to treat it with respect and to nourish and care for it daily - from top to bottom, inside and out.

e. Eat Wholesome: Healthy bodies need plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, heart-healthy fats, and of course a few of life’s little indulgences that fulfill mankind’s inherent pleasure of eating.

a. Active All Day Every Day: Keeping the body active can slow the aging process, boost our immune system, and help us retain our independence for many years to come. Practice makes perfect, and finding something you enjoy doing works wonders. Being fit is your future!

r. Rest & Recreation: Life offers many ways to enjoy active pastimes, and the body requires solid sleep to recover and reset. It’s important to create a healthy balance between work, play, and rest.

t. Track Daily: Weighing often, recording food intake, and logging physical activity help secure each individual’s own health management success.

s. Stay Connected: It’s important to stay connected for emotional, physical, and psychological well-being and h.e.a.r.t.s. helps participants foster healthy relationships in their personal lives.

All of these behaviors, when practiced daily, combine to make a very healthy body that looks and feels amazing inside and out.  I can’t wait for you to finally experience this for yourself!
